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The RECOMB Comparative Genomics annual meeting gathers worldwide scientists with reknowned experience in the comparison of genomics and other genome related data. Enhancement of the qualitative and quantitative technology offers an ever increasing pace in the amount of data generated on an everyday basis. This requires a strong demand in theorical and/or empirical research in the field of comparative genomics.
We will be happy to meet and listen to invited speakers and those with accepted contributed talks in mathematical, computational and/or biology, in particular those with computational approaches that contribute to major steps forward in genome comparisons.
We will welcome contributions in any fields related to this non exhaustive list will refer to
- algorithms in genome rearrangement,
- comparative tools for genome assembly,
- gene identification and/or annotation,
- comparison of functional networks,
- genomic variation,
- comparative epigenomics,
- genome evolution,
- paleogenomics,
- cancer evolutionary genomics.
Any other research topics not listed here and relevant to comparative genomics will also be considered with a strong interest likewise.
In a first step, we will welcome paper submissions and accepted articles will be published in the open access international online journal BMC Bioinformatics. BMC will charge publication fees independently from the conference registration. In a second step, poster submission will be considered.
The meeting will be held on the campus of the University Claude-Bernard Lyon1 (UCBL1) and National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Villeurbanne, in the immediate vicinity of the city of Lyon, France.
The meeting is organized by INRIA, national computer science research institute in France, with the help of the LBBE, Biometry and Evolutionary Biology Lab in Lyon
We had sponsors and supports from:

Banner picture is courtesy of Brice ROBERT.
You can find more of his masterfully crafted pictures here: