Submission > Article submission


Now closed !!!

We regret that we can no longer accept your contribution.


When revising your manuscript, please pay close attention to the formatting requirements outlined in the instructions for authors, available here: 




Contributions to the workshop are welcomed on any theoretical and/or empirical approach to genome-wide comparison. This includes genome evolution, algorithms for genome rearrangement, comparative tools for assembly, gene identification or annotation, comparison of functional networks, genomic variation in humans and model organisms, cancer genomics, duplication patterns of genes, segments and whole genomes, and comparative epigenetics. We encourage paper submissions that offer new biological findings or otherwise highlight their relevance to biology. Accepted papers will be published in the international online journal BMC Bioinformatics. BMC will charge publication fees independently from the conference registration.

Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system:



Submissions must be received in electronic form by 11:59pm (Samoa time), June 21th, 2013. Submissions are limited to 16 pages in the BMC bioinformatics submission format (this upper size limit must then include references, figures, tables, captions, etc).

BMC guidelines :



And the formats are :

- LaTeX

- Word


Online user: 1